Wolske participates in Digital Skills event

Martin Wolske
Martin Wolske, Teaching Associate Professor

Martin Wolske, senior research scientist and lecturer, participated in the event, “Digital Skills: A Gateway to Opportunity,” on June 13 at the Harold Washington Library in Chicago. The event was hosted by Chicago Public Library (CPL) and Digital Promise, a nonprofit that works to improve opportunities to learn by encouraging innovation in education. Wolske participated in the event as a representative of the Center for Digital Inclusion (CDI).

The gathering brought together experts and practitioners of digital literacy and adult learning to discuss their experiences and ideas regarding ways to increase the number of people who have the digital skills to work, learn, and engage in modern society. Ideas generated from the meeting will be incorporated into the strategic plans of CPL and Digital Promise.

Wolske teaches courses on community engagement, community informatics, networked systems, and technology. With the iSchool and CDI, he has been actively involved in multiple grant-funded projects in the realms of community informatics and digital inclusion, including Sowing Seeds, Mix IT Up! Youth Advocacy Librarianship, Digital Literacy for ALL Learners, and the Illini Gadget Garage. He is a recipient of the Campus Award for Excellence in Public Engagement and the Library Journal Teacher of the Year Award.