PhD Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the PhD program, students will be equipped with the following learning outcomes:

Global Information Consciousness: Students will discover how complex, interdependent global systems—including informational, social, and technical—affect and are affected by the characteristics and behavior of individuals, communities, and institutions.

Intellectual Reasoning and Knowledge: Students will acquire broad and deep expertise, including knowledge and skills, across subfields of information science. This includes the ability to engage with, plan, and conduct interdisciplinary research.

Creative Inquiry and Discovery: Students will apply their knowledge and skills to promote inquiry, discover solutions, generate new ideas, and communicate their research. This includes conducting independent and exemplary research, presenting their work in public settings, and publishing their work in a peer-reviewed venue.

Social and Cultural Awareness and Understanding: Students will develop a critical and reflective orientation toward such social and cultural differences as race, indigeneity, gender, class, sexuality, language, and disability. This includes the ability to conduct ethical and responsible research.

Effective Leadership and Community Engagement: Students will build and sustain productive relationships to respond to information-centric, civic and social challenges at local, national, and global levels, creating positive impact in their communities. This includes the ability to convey their knowledge to others; e.g., by teaching or TA courses or workshops, and through outreach and service activities.