What is an iSchool?
We're focused on information
As an iSchool, we are part of an international consortium of information schools dedicated to advancing the information field. While the iSchool at Illinois has specific strengths and specializations, all iSchools share a fundamental interest in the relationships between people, information, and technology.
We're focused on human potential
We believe that expertise in all forms of information is required for progress in science, business, education, and culture. Through an interdisciplinary approach, iSchools harness the power of information and technology to maximize human potential.
We're focused on innovation
Information is a rapidly evolving field that relies on innovative systems, approaches, and ideas. iSchools are committed to creating an environment where creativity and outside-the-box thinking are welcomed and supported.
We're focused on the future
iSchools envision a future where the information field is widely recognized for designing information solutions that benefit individuals, organizations, and society and where research in the field will attract strong support and have a profound impact on local, national, and international policy.
We're focused on you
iSchools prepare tomorrow's information experts to lead organizations of all sizes across a wide spectrum of fields. That expertise includes understanding the uses and users of information, the nature of information itself, and information technologies and applications. That's what you'll focus on at our iSchool.