Executive Committee
Eunice Santos, Chair, ex officio
Emily Knox
Bertram Ludaescher
Allen Renear
Mike Twidale
Ted Underwood
Cathy Blake, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, ex officio
Jiangping Chen, Executive Associate Dean, ex officio
Stephen Downie, Associate Dean for Research, ex officio
Standing Committees
Cathy Blake, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Chair, ex officio
Brandon Batzloff, Undergraduate Program Director
Maria Bonn, MSLIS and CAS Program Director
Jingrui He, MSIM and Bioinformatics Program Director
Vetle Torvik, Interim PhD Program Director
April Carter, staff, ex officio
Doctoral Studies
Vetle Torvik, Chair
Nigel Bosch
Jiaqi Ma
JooYoung Seo
Meicen Sun
Carol Tilley
Dong Wang
Stephen Downie, ex officio
Matt Archer, staff
Maria Bonn, Chair
Kahyun Choi
Sharon Comstock
Ryan Cordell
Sarah Park Dahlen
Rachel Magee (spring)
Kate McDowell
Melissa Ocepek
Kevin Trainor
Karen Wickett
Craig Willis
Kristina Intinarelli, staff
Talis Shaw, staff
MSIM & Bioinformatics
Jingrui He, Chair
David Charles
Yue Guo
Renee Hendricks
Halil Kilicoglu
Haohan Wang
Yang Wang
John Weible
Yang Zhang
Amira Al-Murtairi, staff
Stacy Clemmons, staff
Undergraduate Programs
Brandon Batzloff, Chair
Rachel Adler
Peter Darch (fall)
Craig Evans
Zoe LeBlanc
Bonnie Mak
Dave Mussulman
Jill Naiman
Lori Kendall
Adam Rusch
Yoo-Seong Song
Elizabeth Wickes
Martin Wolske
Kiona Kittl, staff
Lauryn Lehman, staff
Desiree McMillion, staff
Christopher Lueg, Chair
Masooda Bashir
Anita Chan (spring)
Dave Dubin
Ismini Lourentzou
Emily Maemura
Sara Schwebel
Matt Turk
Cathy Blake, ex officio
Eugene Moore, staff
Special Committees
Faculty Grievance
Rachel Adler
Yun Huang
Halil Kilicoglu
Vetle Torvik
Dong Wang
Research Advisory
Stephen Downie, Chair
Jessie Chin
Yun Huang
Madelyn Sanfilippo
Travis Wagner
School Librarian Licensure Program Advisory
Maria Bonn
Emily Knox
Rachel Magee
Kate McDowell
Student Conduct & Capricious Grading
Cathy Blake, Co-chair, ex officio
April Carter, Co-chair, ex officio
Ismini Lourentzou
Carol Tilley
Kevin Trainor
Elizabeth Wickes
Martin Wolske
April Carter, staff
Amber Holmes, staff
Faculty Senate
Masooda Bashir
Peter Darch (fall)
Christopher Lueg
Vetle Torvik
John Weible