Research Videos
Learn more about the breadth and depth of research at the iSchool from our faculty experts. Their important efforts advance the field and provide strategic solutions to current social issues through their inventive, interdisciplinary contributions.
Research focus: Web archives, infrastructure studies, digital preservation, digital curation, data curation, data practices.
Research focus: Human-computer interaction, social computing, mobile computing, computer-supported cooperative work, human-AI interaction, conversational agents, social media, and crowdsourcing.
Research focus: Biomedical informatics, natural language processing, computational semantics, literature-based knowledge discovery, scholarly communication, science of science, and scientific reproducibility.
Research focus: Biomedical informatics, natural language processing, evidence-based discovery, learning health systems, socio-technical systems, data analytics, literature-based discovery.
Research focus: Human-computer interaction, accessible design, participatory design, mobile health technologies, and computing education.
Research focus: Human-computer interaction, usability, interaction design, human-centered design, human information behavior, embodiment, embodied cognition, non-human cognition, and de-centering human-centered design.
Research focus: Information organization, metadata and knowledge organization systems, data curation, and conceptual and logical foundations of information systems.
Research focus: Social Sensing, Computing, and Intelligence; Human-Centered AI, AI for Social Good, Responsible Machine Learning; Data Quality, Big Data Analytics, Misinformation Detection and Explanation; Cyber-Physical-Human Systems, Smart Cities, Internet of Things/Everything (IoT/IoE).
Research focus: Accessible computing/data science, ability design human-computer interaction, inclusive Learning Sciences/STEM+C education across dis/abilities, and accessible health informatics.
Research focus: Governance in sociotechnical systems as designed, practiced, and experienced; evaluating technology governance outcomes; social inequality in experiences with technology; information law, policy, and inequality; social aspects of privacy, data, platforms, and personalization; and social informatics.
Research focus: Usable privacy/security, data-driven privacy/security, inclusive design, explainable AI, human-computer interaction, social computing, ubiquitous computing, computer-supported cooperative work.
Research focus: Children's and young adult literature, history of education and literacy, history of childhood, history pedagogy, public history, digital humanities, and historical fiction.
Research focus: Development and understanding of trustworthy machine learning methods with a focus on using the methods to understand biological and medical problems better, where the reliability of the methods is the key.
Research focus: Computer-supported cooperative work; collaborative technologies in digital libraries and museums; user interface design and evaluation; open-source usability; information visualization; ubiquitous learning; social learning of technology; rapid prototyping and evaluation.
Research focus: Designing, building, and testing a suite of automated and semi-automated methods to explore, understand, characterize, and predict real-world data by means of statistical machine learning.
Research focus: Learning analytics, user modeling, fairness and transparency in machine learning.
Research focus: Digital youth, the maker movement, learning and community engagement through libraries, human information behavior, and competencies for information professionals.
Research focus: Everyday information behavior, information behavior, cultural theory, critical theory, food studies, leisure studies, and ethnography.
Research focus: Teens, youth, everyday life, technology use and non-use, youth services, social computing, values and design.
Research focus: Design and evaluation of information retrieval systems, including multimedia music information retrieval; the political economy of internetworked communication systems; database design; Web-based technologies.
Research focus: Data analysis and visualization, social structures of academic software communities, information transmission through software.
Research focus: Children's literature and material culture, British literature, history of education and literacy, social history, child labor, thing theory, fantasy, science fiction, science and technology in literature, automata, digital humanities pedagogy.
Research focus: Information access, intellectual freedom and censorship, information ethics, information policy, print culture and reading practices.
Research focus: Storytelling practices and applications (in higher education, nonprofits, business, and public service); youth services librarianship; children's print culture history; public libraries as cultural spaces.
Research focus: Statistical and computational modeling of humanistic evidence; machine learning and text mining; book history; digital libraries; sociology of literature; computational social science; digital humanities.