JooYoung Seo

Assistant Professor
PhD, Learning, Design, and Technology, Pennsylvania State University
Pronouns: he/him
Room 5158, 614 E. Daniel St.
Other professional appointments
- Faculty Affiliate, Siebel School of Computing and Data Science
- Faculty Affiliate, Illinois Informatics
- Faculty Affiliate, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
- Faculty Affiliate, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
- Data Science Educator Affiliate, RStudio
- Affiliate Scientist, Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) on Blindness and Low Vision at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
Research focus
Accessible computing/data science, ability design human-computer interaction, inclusive Learning Sciences/STEM+C education across dis/abilities, and accessible health informatics.
Honors and Awards
- Early Career Award, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), 2023-2026
- Teach Access Faculty Award, 2023
- Teacher Ranked as Excellent, University of Illinois (Spring 2022, Spring 2024, Fall 2024)
- 2021-2022 Emerging Scholar, International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
- Qualcomm Fellowship (2020), ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference
- Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (2020), College of Education, The Pennsylvania State University
- Cengage Best Doctoral Proposal Fellowship (2019), International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography
- Andrew V. Kozak Memorial Fellowship (2019), The PDK Educational Foundation
- Delta Gamma Golden Anchor Award (2015, 2017), The Pennsylvania State University
- Global Korean Government Scholarship (2014-2016), National Institute for International Education, Korean Government, Seoul, South Korea
JooYoung Seo is an assistant professor in the School of Information Sciences and a faculty affiliate in the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science, Informatics Institute, and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Seo is also an RStudio double-certified data science instructor and accessibility expert certified by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP). His research topics involve accessible computing, universal design, inclusive data science, and equitable healthcare technologies. As an emerging learning scientist and information scientist, his research focuses particularly on how to make computational literacy more accessible to people with dis/abilities by using multimodal data representation.
He has worked on various research and development projects on accessible computing and open-source data science packages (e.g., gt; shiny; rmarkdown to name a few) for accessibility. His research projects have involved not just web accessibility, but also human-centered design and development studies, including inclusive makerspaces, tangible block-based programming, accessible data science (e.g., data tactualization, sonification, and verbalization), and accessible/reproducible scientific writing tools for people with and without dis/abilities.
His research is funded by national institutes, industrial partners, and academic society, such as Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Posit Software, PBC (formerly RStudio), Teach Access, and the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) and the Wallace Foundation.
Seo obtained his PhD and M.Ed in learning, design, and technology at the Pennsylvania State University, and double BA in education and English literature from Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea.
Courses currently teaching
- Spring 2025 - Independent Study - IS389JY0
- Spring 2025 - Independent Study - IS389JYS
- Spring 2025 - Accessibility in HCI Seminar - IS568AHC
- Spring 2025 - Independent Study - IS589JYS
- Summer 2025 - Independent Study - IS189JYS
- Summer 2025 - Independent Study - IS389JYS
- Summer 2025 - Independent Study - IS589JYS
Office hours
By appointment, please contact professor
Publications & Papers
For a complete list of publications, visit JooYoung Seo's Google Scholar page.
Seo, J., Kamath, S. S., Zeidieh, A., Venkatesh, S., & McCurry, S. (2024, October 28). MAIDR Meets AI: Exploring Multimodal LLM-Based Data Visualization Interpretation by and with Blind and Low-Vision Users. Proceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility.
Kamath, S. S., Zeidieh, A., Khan, O., Sethi, D., & Seo, J. (2024, October 28). Playing Without Barriers: Crafting Playful and Accessible VR Table-Tennis with and for Blind and Low-Vision Individuals. Proceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility.
Ge, K., & Seo, J. (2024, October 28). StereoMath: An Accessible and Musical Equation Editor. Proceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility.
Seo, J., O’Modhrain, S., Xia, Y., Kamath, S., Lee, B., & Coughlan, J. M. (2024). Designing Born-Accessible Courses in Data Science and Visualization: Challenges and Opportunities of a Remote Curriculum Taught by Blind Instructors to Blind Students. In R. S. and A. Firat Elif E. and Laramee (Ed.), EuroVis 2024 - education papers. The Eurographics Association.
Seo, J., Xia, Y., Lee, B., Mccurry, S., & Yam, Y. J. (2024). MAIDR: Making Statistical Visualizations Accessible with Multimodal Data Representation. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–22.
Choi, S., Seo, J., Hernandez, M., & Kitsiou, S. (2024). Conversational agents in mHealth: Use patterns, challenges, and design opportunities for individuals with visual impairments. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science.
Lee, J. G. W., Lee, B., Choi, S., Seo, J., & Choe, E. K. (2024). Identify, Adapt, Persist: The Journey of Blind Individuals with Personal Health Technologies. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 8(2), 51:1–51:21.
Seo, J., & Rogge, M. (2023). Coding Non-Visually in Visual Studio Code: Collaboration Towards Accessible Development Environment for Blind Programmers. Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 1–9.
Seo, J., & Dogucu, M. (2023). Teaching Visual Accessibility in Introductory Data Science Classes with Multi-Modal Data Representations. Journal of Data Science, 1–14.
Lee, C. Y. P., Zhang, Z., Herskovitz, J., Seo, J., & Guo, A. (2022). CollabAlly: Accessible Collaboration Awareness in Document Editing. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–17.
Seo, J. (2021, October). Non-Visual Strategies for Making Statistical-Computing Accessible. Lightening talk at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Champaign, IL.
Seo, J. (2021, September). Accessibility of Science Beyond Content Accessibility. Talk presented at the Argonne National Laboratory (Maths and Computer Science Division):
Seo, J. (2021, June). How to Learn to Code. Nature, Webcast:
Seo, J., & Richard, G. T. (2021, February). Uncovering latent topics of blind people in computer science: structural topic modeling for an email corpus. The International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography (ICQE), Malibu, CA.
Seo, J. (2021, January). Accessible data science beyond visual models. RStudio::global(2021):
Seo, J. (2020, September). Discovering knowledge sharing patterns of blind people pursuing STEM disciplines: data science and computational linguistics on large-scale email corpora. The ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing.
Seo, J., & Richard, G. T. (2020, April). Maker inclusivity = maker accessibility: further interrogations for diverse participation. The American Educational Research Association (AERA), Virtual.
Seo, J., & Richard, G. T. (2018, April). Furthering inclusivity in making: a framework for accessible design of makerspaces for learners with disabilities. The American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York City, NY.
Seo, J. (2017, September). Tactile access to visualized statistical data using R. The ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing, Atlanta, GA.
Liao, J., Patcyk, M., Seo, J., & Hooper, S. (2016, October). Using hierarchical linear modeling to measure growth rate in a gamified CBM environment. The Northeastern Educational Research Association (NERA), Trumbull, CT.