Emily Maemura

Assistant Professor

PhD, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto

Pronouns: she/her

Room 5141, 614 E. Daniel St.

(217) 333-5028


Research focus

Web archives, infrastructure studies, digital preservation, digital curation, data curation, data practices.

Honors and Awards

  • Beta Phi Mu Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 2019
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Award, 2015-2018
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement, 2018


Emily Maemura is an assistant professor in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Her research focuses on data practices and the activities of curation, description, characterization, and re-use of archived web data. She is interested in approaches and methods for working with archived web data in the form of large-scale research collections, considering diverse perspectives of the internet as an object and site of study. She previously worked as an academic librarian at Toronto Metropolitan University. Her work has been published in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology and the International Journal of Digital Humanities.

She completed her PhD at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Information, with a dissertation exploring the practices of collecting and curating web pages and websites for future use by researchers in the social sciences and humanities.

Office hours

By appointment, please contact professor

Publications & Papers

For a full list of publications, please visit Emily Maemura's Google Scholar profile

Maemura, E. (2023). Sorting URLs out: Seeing the web through infrastructural inversion of archival crawling. Internet Histories, 7(4), 386–401. https://doi.org/10.1080/24701475.2023.2258697 

Maemura, E. (2023). All WARC and no playback: The materialities of data-centered web archives research. Big Data & Society, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517231163172

Ogden, J., & Maemura, E. (2021). 'Go fish': Conceptualising the challenges of engaging national web archives for digital research. International Journal of Digital Humanities. doi:10.1007/s42803-021-00032-5.

Becker, C., Maemura, E., & Moles, N. (2020). The Design and Use of Assessment Frameworks in Digital Curation. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 71(1), 55–68.

Maemura, E., Worby, N., Milligan, I., & Becker, C. (2018). If These Crawls Could Talk: Studying and Documenting Web Archives Provenance. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(10), 1223–1233.

Maemura, E. (2018). What's Cached is Prologue: Reviewing Web Archives Research Towards a Model for Scholarly Use. In Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Vancouver, BC, November 2018.

Maemura, E., Moles, N., & Becker, C. (2017). Organizational assessment frameworks for digital preservation: A literature review and mapping. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(7), 1619–1637.

Maemura, E., Becker, C., & Milligan, I. (2016). Understanding computational web archives research methods using research objects. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Washington, DC, December 2016.

Maemura, E., Moles, N., & Becker, C. (2015). A Survey of Organizational Assessment Frameworks in Digital Preservation. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation, Chapel Hill, NC, November 2015.


Maemura E. (2021). Data Practices And Sociotechnical Judgments Of Web Archives Infrastructures. Presentation at 4S 2021, Toronto, ON (online), October 2021.

Keynote Speaker, "Towards an Infrastructural Description of Archived Web Data." WARCnet Meeting, Aarhus, Denmark (virtual), April 2021.

Panelist, "Making, Using, and Exploring Web Archives: Tales from Scholars & Practitioners." Web Archiving and Digital Libraries, a Virtual Workshop of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China, August 2020.

Ogden, J., & Maemura, E. (2020). A tale of two web archives: Challenges of engaging web archival infrastructures for research. Presentation at DH2020, Ottawa, ON (online), July 2020.

Speaker, "Doing Infrastructure Ethnography: exploring the logics and orders shaping web archives collections." iSchool, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, March 2019.

Maemura, E., Worby, N., Becker, C., & Milligan, I. (2017). Origin stories: Documentation for Web Archives Provenance. Presented at the International Internet Preservation Consortium Web Archiving Conference, London, UK, June 2017.

Maemura, E. (2017). How Web Archives are, are not, could be, and should be Archives. Paper presented at the 9th annual Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI), Toronto, ON, July 2017.