Cultural Informatics and Heritage

Understanding the role of information technology in preserving, transmitting, and shaping human culture and heritage

Researchers Working in this Area

Related Research Projects

Children, Comics, and Print Culture

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Carol Tilley
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Funding agency
University of Illinois Research Board

This project expands Tilley’s investigation of comics from the perspective of readers, a much-neglected group in both contemporary and historical research. Comics readership among young people peaked in the mid-twentieth century with levels reaching near 100%, yet there has been little scholarly investigation of this phenomenon. Funding for this project will enable archival research trips and…

Donna Haraway is our "Friend": Reconfiguring Friendship Bracelets and Bibliography

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This project uses the friendship bracelet as a way to "re-weave" the academic canon. Friendship bracelets are handmade macramé bracelets of embroidery thread, intended to be worn as a sign of lasting friendship. In this collaboration with Julia Pollack (MS '12), bracelets have been woven with bibliographical references to important work of women in the field of knowledge-production.

Implications of a Digital Revolution

Total funding to date
Funding agency
Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities

Notably absent in the current rush to digitize newspapers and books are critical investigations of the processes and products of this work. Such examinations are forestalled, Bonnie Mak argues, by a rhetoric of revolution that determines how the phenomenon should be constituted and studied, just as it continues to do for the so-called printing revolution of the fifteenth century. Her analysis…

Information's Allure

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One of the enduring attractions of books is their ability to stand witness to their own presence through time and space. A history of social interaction is marked on the pages of a book; a folded corner, a stain from a careless reader's cup of coffee, and a thoughtful comment in the margin accrue and transmit something of where the book has been, with whom, and under what circumstances.…

Metadata Poems

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Although standardized vocabularies and languages are often invoked as a way to ensure interoperability in the management of informational resources, these conventions prioritize particular ways of representing the world. This project situates metadata as an infrastructure of information, and examines how such descriptive practices have configured the production of knowledge for centuries—from…

Metadata Poems project

Preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage

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Lori Kendall, Maria Bonn
Total funding to date
Funding agency
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

The past decade has seen tremendous progress in the field of preservation, particularly with respect to preservation of digital materials. To date, however, there has been only minimal research activity within North America on the preservation of intangible cultural heritage—such as language, cuisine, performing arts, and traditional craftsmanship—and its relationship to the preservation of…

Temporal Factors

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Funding agency
National Science Foundation

Time affects information retrieval in many ways. Collections of documents change as new items are indexed. The content of documents themselves may change. Users submit queries at particular moments in time. And perhaps most importantly, people’s assessment of a document’s relevance to a query is often time-dependent. For example, searchers of news archives might seek information on a past…

Text Mining the Novel: Establishing the Foundations of a New Discipline

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Ted Underwood, J. Stephen Downie
Total funding to date
Funding agency
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

This HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) project seeks to produce the first large-scale cross-cultural study of the novel according to quantitative methods. Ever since its putative rise in the eighteenth century, the novel has emerged as a central means of expressing what it means to be modern. And yet despite this cultural significance, we still lack a comprehensive study of the novel’s place…

The Computer Music Project

Time frame
Sever Tipei
Funding agency
National Endowment for the Arts, UIUC Campus Research Board, School of Music

Founded in 1984, the Computer Music Project is a facility dedicated to computer music research and teaching. Through its existence, it has supported the development of new tools for composition, sound design, sound analysis, sonification, sound visualization and automatic notation along with the creation of new musical compositions. Software created at CMP benefits, in turn, classroom and…

computer music at U of I

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