The staff at the Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (BCCB) has announced the 2012 Blue Ribbons, their choices for the best of children's and young adult literature for the previous year. Blue Ribbons are chosen annually by the Bulletin reviewers and represent what they believe to be outstanding examples of fiction, nonfiction, and picture books for youth.
Over thirty titles received Blue Ribbons in 2012, and the full list is available on the Bulletin's website.
BCCB editor Deborah Stevenson said, "Unusually, this year’s picture books have a very exclusive top echelon (in which animals are especially well represented). Nonfiction, on the other hand, has a fuller list than in some previous years, and it’s one that’s particularly strong on curricular must-haves for history at various levels. Fiction, however, is again notable for variety, with realism, fantasy, history, and visual narrative all present and accounted for. Overall, it’s a rewarding assortment, sure to please diverse tastes.”
Archived lists of Blue Ribbon winners dating back to 1990 are also available.
The Bulletin, founded in 1945, is one of the nation's leading children's book review journals for school and public librarians.