2016 Downs Award Reception at ALA Midwinter

A reception to honor Wendy Campbell, recipient of the 2016 Robert B. Downs Intellectual Freedom Award, will be held during the Midwinter Meeting of the American Library Association in Atlanta, Georgia, on Saturday, January 21, 2017, from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the Marriott Marquis Hotel. Libraries Unlimited provides an honorarium for the recipient and cosponsors the reception.
Presented annually, the Robert B. Downs Intellectual Freedom Award acknowledges individuals or groups who have furthered the cause of intellectual freedom, particularly as it affects libraries and information centers and the dissemination of ideas. The award was established in 1969 by the GSLIS faculty to honor Robert Downs, a champion of intellectual freedom, on his twenty-fifth anniversary as director of the school.
All students, prospective students, alumni, and friends of GSLIS are welcome to attend this event. For more information, please contact Associate Professor Terry Weech.
This event is sponsored by Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO