Conceptual Foundations Group (CFG) Seminar
Research Presentation (Jacob Jett)
The Conceptual Foundations Group (CFG) is an interest-based research group, centered around clarifying foundational concepts relating to information organization, data curation, and semantic technologies. Concepts related to the fundamental nature of information, descriptive metadata, digital objects and text markup are frequent topics. The group emphasizes the application of "formal methods"—that is, approaches that originated in logic, philosophy of language, analytic philosophy–to information science problem areas. We meet every week in the iSchool CIRSS conference room (room 313). Specific topics and the lead person for each meeting can be found on the CFG website. Download the iCalendar for CFG seminar & import it to your calendar via this link.
Questions? Contact Jessica Cheng
This event is sponsored by Conceptual Foundations Group