Jill Naiman Presentation
Jill P. Naiman will address the prompt: Given the current challenges and trends in information sciences, tell us how you are prepared to help our school's programs grow and thrive?
Naiman researches methods for efficient and engaging data visualization and builds tools for visualization production and education. She is active in outreach and teaching activities, particularly in the mentoring of students and development of open source computational tools. Prior to her current position as a Visiting Scholar at NCSA and her lecturing as an adjunct at the iSchool she was a National Science Foundation and an Institute of Theory and Computation Postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Her PhD is from University of California, Santa Cruz where she studied hydrodynamical simulations of gas and fluids. She has also done work in the fields of image processing, optical character recognition and image and text classification.
For Zoom participation information, please contact Lori Kelso