AI & Society Reading Group: Open Planning Session
How does social media contribute to increased polarization in society? To what extent are librarians aware of issues concerning algorithms and data privacy? Where is the line between responsible and malicious artificial intelligence? What role does the library play in combating disinformation?
These are some of the questions our virtual AI Infodemic Reading Group on how algorithms shape information seeking and discovery will be discussing this Spring as part of the HRI Research Cluster: AI & Society: Privacy, Ethics, and (Dis)Information. We are looking for community input on how you would like to engage with these topics. We would like to know what you would want to read—a whole book, a few chapters, articles? Would you like a deep dive into one topic or a survey of many topics? What other media you would like to explore?
Please join us on Tuesday, November 14th at 4:00pm CT on Zoom for an open planning meeting. This meeting is an opportunity for those interested in this topic to contribute to shaping the programming for our virtual AI Infodemic Reading Group next semester and is open to all students, faculty, and staff. Attending this meeting does not indicate a long-term commitment to the project. Additionally, if you cannot make this meeting, be on the lookout for announcements about event dates, reading lists, and more!
Co-organizers: Sarah Appedu (MLS Student) & Lisa Hinchliffe (Library Faculty)
This meeting is open to all. Meeting ID: 837 2471 7644. Password: 550559
Questions? Contact Sarah Appedu
This event is sponsored by HRI Research Cluster: AI & Society: Privacy, Ethics and (Dis)Information