CIRSS Seminar: Heidi Imker
Heidi Imker, associate professor and director of Research Data Service at the University Library, will give the talk, "Multi-Purpose Data Products as a Part of Research Design."
Abstract: One of the major rationales for sharing research data is the idea that data can be reused for other purposes. This potential is so compelling that intense effort has been put into creating policies, infrastructure, and cultural change to enable wide-spread data sharing and reuse. Today, data sharing requirements abound, over 6 million DOIs have been created for datasets, and organizations like GO-FAIR promote practices meant to enable data reuse. In this seminar I'll talk about data sharing in practice, drawing on my experiences working with researchers across campus as well as my own efforts to create "multi-use" data (data explicitly intended for reuse). What works, what doesn't, and what's iffy? I'll also share a work-in-progress set of actions for creating multi-use data. Bonus: Free research ideas and cleaner-than-average data to go with them.
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