CIRSS Seminar: Deborah Paul

Deborah L. Paul, biodiversity informatics community liaison for the Species File Group at the Illinois Natural History Survey, will present "Some (Reproducible Data Science) Insights: From a Natural Science Collections Viewpoint."

Abstract: Taxonomists worldwide work hard to amass knowledge about life on Earth. Natural science collections everywhere hold unique biodiversity data and irreplaceable specimens. Many need access to this information and the specimens, but this often proves challenging for many reasons both social and technical. My past and current roles include facilitating collections digitization and capacity development for everyone in this research-data-pipeline. With this work comes many opportunities to learn about the challenges surrounding the idea of reproducible (responsible) data science. Presently, I work primarily with software developers, taxonomists, collection managers and curators.

Some insights, ideas, and needs I want to share with you of particular relevance to reproducibility center around such topics as the use of data standards (or not), duplication of effort, enhancing existing data, metadata (and often the lack of it), and tools, skills, and knowledge for data management in general. In addition, as current Chair of TDWG, I plan to provide some highlights of the upcoming Biodiversity Information Standards Conference of the year, TDWG2021. Our theme is Connecting the world of biodiversity data: standards uniting people, processes, and tools which aligns so well with this seminar series topic.

Deborah L. Paul is the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) chair, 2021-2022.

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Questions? Contact Janet Eke

This event is sponsored by Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship