INFOcon 2022

INFOcon 2022 is a multi-day virtual event showcasing the breadth and depth of research taught at information science degree programs. This year’s event focuses on the accessibility of information.
INFOcon 2022 is a multi-day virtual event showcasing the breadth and depth of research taught at information science degree programs. This year’s event focuses on the accessibility of information.
INFOcon is aimed at prospective students interested in learning about career paths and research topics in the areas of information, technology, and people. We've invited faculty and researchers across the U.S. and Canada to share their expertise on making information accessible.
The event is free, and attendees are welcome to attend sessions that interest them the most.
Participating Schools:
- Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz College
- Drexel University, College of Computing and Informatics
- Florida State University, School of Information
- Rochester School of Technology
- Rutgers University, School of Communication and Information
- Simmons University, School of Library and Information Science
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, School of Information Sciences
- University of Missouri, School of Information Science and Learning Technologies
The schedule is coming soon.
Questions? Contact Emma Kopko
This event is sponsored by Information Schools (iSchools) and Collaborators