Responsible DS+AI Speaker Series: Milena Tsvetkova

Milena Tsvetkova, assistant professor in the Department of Methodology of the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, will present "Inequality and fairness with heterogeneous endowments."
Milena Tsvetkova is an assistant professor in the Department of Methodology. She completed her PhD in sociology at Cornell University in 2015. Prior to joining LSE in 2017, she was a postdoctoral researcher in computational social science at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. Tsvetkova's research interests lie in the fields of computational and experimental social science. She employs online experiments, network analysis, and agent-based models to study fundamental social phenomena such as cooperation, contagion, and inequality. Her current work investigates the structural conditions under which inequality emerges and worsens when individuals interact in large social groups. In collaboration with computer scientists, physicists, organizational scientists, and game developers, she is working on incorporating gamification to develop new methods for large-scale social interaction experiments online.
Tsvetkova, M., Mueller, S., Vuculescu, O., Ham, H., & Sergeev, R. (2022). Relative feedback increases disparities in effort and performance in crowdsourcing contests: evidence from a quasi-experiment on Topcoder. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction.
This diagram depicts the conceptual framework that guides the two empirical studies Dr. Tsvetkova will talk about.

In the Responsible Data Science and AI Speaker Series, we discuss topics such as equity, fairness, biases, ethics, and privacy. The presentations and discussions take place on Fridays from 9:00-10:00 a.m. Central Time on Zoom. The event is open to the public, and everyone is welcome to attend! To join a session, go to the current week's session, click the "access" link, and then the "PARTICIPATE online" button. Recordings of past talks can be found next to "access" if available. This series is hosted by the iSchool's Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship (CIRSS). If you have any questions, please contact Jana Diesner.
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This event is sponsored by Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship