Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Computing Speaker Series: Peter A. Gloor

Peter A. Gloor, Research Scientist at the Center for Collective Intelligence at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, will present "Happimetrics - Leveraging AI to Untangle the Surprising Link Between Ethics, Happiness and Business Success."
Peter A. Gloor is a Research Scientist at the Center for Collective Intelligence at MIT where he leads a project exploring Collaborative Innovation Networks and Happiness. He is also Founder and Chief Creative Officer of software company galaxyadvisors, and Honorary Professor at University of Cologne and Jilin University, Changchun, China. Earlier he was a partner with Deloitte and PwC, and a manager at UBS. He got his Ph.D. in computer science from University of Zurich and was a Post-Doc at the MIT Lab for Computer Science.
This talk describes 20 years of research at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence on how to combine Social Network Analysis (SNA) and AI to measure collaboration and increase happiness. It is based on the concept of Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs), intrinsically motivated teams collaborating not for money, but because they care, to create something radically new. The talk introduces the basic concepts of COINs and groupflow – when teams collaborate at their best through intrinsic motivation and positive stress. It will then discuss how to combine AI and SNA to analyze communication by tracking emotions, social networks, morals, and virtual tribes. Then it introduces the concept of virtual mirroring to create entangled teams that work together in COINs synchronized and in harmony for superior performance. The talk will present many practical examples from industry to illustrate these ideas.
Gloor, P. A. (2022). Happimetrics: Leveraging AI to Untangle the Surprising Link Between Ethics, Happiness and Business Success. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Gloor, P. A., Zylka, M. P., Colladon, A. F., & Makai, M. (2022). ‘Entanglement’ – A new dynamic metric to measure team flow. Social Networks, 70, 100-111.
Gloor, P., Fronzetti Colladon, A., & Grippa, F. (2022). Measuring ethical behavior with AI and natural language processing to assess business success. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-13.
We continue the CIRSS speaker series in Spring 2023 with a focus on “Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Computing”. We will meet on Fridays, 9-10am Central Time, on Zoom. To join a session, go to the current week’s session and click the “access” link, which will lead you to a calendar entry. There, click the “PARTICIPATE online” button to join a session. Recordings of past talks can be found next to "access" if available. The event is open to the public, and everyone is welcome to attend! This series is hosted by the Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship (CIRSS). If you have any questions, please contact Jana Diesner and Halil Kilicoglu.
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This event is sponsored by Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship