Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Computing Speaker Series: Emanuel Sallinger

Emanuel Sallinger, Assistant Professor of Informatics at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) and Senior Researcher at Oxford University, will present "Knowledge Graphs in Action: a Tour of Extensions and Real-World Applications of the Vadalog System."
Emanuel Sallinger is Assistant Professor of Informatics at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) and Senior Researcher at Oxford University. His main research focus is on Knowledge Graphs, including all theoretical and practical aspects. In particular, I am interested in reasoning in such systems, including all of the AI methodologies for that (knowledge-based/logic-based reasoning and machine learning-based reasoning). Within such systems, my interest in achieving scalable solutions, making sure that theory translates into practice.
Knowledge graphs (KGs) have in recent years gained a large momentum both in academic research and in real-world applications. They have become a bridge between databases, artificial intelligence (AI), data science, the (semantic) web and semantic computing, linked data, and many other areas. In particular, in declarative AI, they have become a bridge between logic-based reasoning, and machine learning-based reasoning. Languages for KGs on the one hand, and systems for KGs i.e., Knowledge Graph Management System (KGMS) on the other hand, have garnered increasing attention. Of particular importance are language and system extensions such as probabilistic reasoning, numeric reasoning, etc. - supporting various real-world applications, and the business applications that can be built using such extensions. In this talk, we give an overview of the Vadalog language and system, and briefly consider its extensions such as arithmetic and aggregation, temporal reasoning, and machine learning. We then focus on seeing the system in action through a number of real-world and business applications, including: corporate governance, media intelligence, supply chains, collateral eligibility, hostile takeovers, smart anonymization, and anti-money laundering.
Luigi Bellomarini, Emanuel Sallinger, Georg Gottlob: The Vadalog System: Datalog-based Reasoning for Knowledge Graphs. Proc. VLDB Endow. 11(9): 975-987 (2018)
Luigi Bellomarini, Lorenzo Bencivelli, Claudia Biancotti, Livia Blasi, Francesco Paolo Conteduca, Andrea Gentili, Rosario Laurendi, Davide Magnanimi, Michele Savini Zangrandi, Flavia Tonelli, Stefano Ceri, Davide Benedetto, Markus Nissl, Emanuel Sallinger: Reasoning on company takeovers: From tactic to strategy. Data Knowl. Eng. 141: 102073 (2022)
We continue the CIRSS speaker series in Spring 2023 with a focus on “Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Computing”. We will meet on Fridays, 9-10am Central Time, on Zoom. To join a session, go to the current week’s session and click the “access” link, which will lead you to a calendar entry. There, click the “PARTICIPATE online” button to join a session. Recordings of past talks can be found next to "access" if available. The event is open to the public, and everyone is welcome to attend! This series is hosted by the Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship (CIRSS). If you have any questions, please contact Jana Diesner and Halil Kilicoglu.
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This event is sponsored by Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship