Writing from the Intersections - Sarah Park Dahlen and Sonia Alejandra Rodríguez

The Writing from the Intersections research cluster will be hosting a conversation with Professor Sarah Park Dahlen and Sonia Alejandra Rodríguez, editors in chief of Research on Diversity in Youth Literature. This hybrid event will be held in person and on Zoom.

The mission of Research on Diversity in Youth Literature is to publish scholarship attending to issues of diversity, equity, social justice, inclusion, and intersectionality in youth literature, culture, and media. Our speakers will lead a discussion on creating platforms to publish and hold conversations about race and intersectionality.

Writing from the Intersections is a Humanities Research Center research cluster with the goal to provide space for faculty and students to explore the potentials of intersectionality as an intellectual tool in reading and writing.

Questions? Please contact Karen Wickett.


This event is sponsored by Humanities Research Institute