Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Computing Speaker Series: Keith Hunter

Keith Hunter, associate professor at the University of San Francisco School of Management, will present "Differences in network perceptions within and across groups."
Keith O. Hunter is an associate professor at the University of San Francisco's School of Management. He earned his PhD in organizational behavior and management at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College, with a dissertation on structural facilitators of planned organizational network change. Before obtaining his doctorate, he applied his MS in computer science from the University of Central Florida to the metaheuristic search methods and agent-based modeling within the Department of Optimization and Uncertainty Estimation at Sandia National Laboratories. He is also a veteran of the U.S. Navy who worked in main propulsion and auxiliary engineering while training and leading multiple types of damage control teams. Hunter is proud to call academia his third career and strives to bring his diverse experiences to distinctive research, teaching, and community service. A recipient of multiple teaching awards, he currently instructs undergraduate and graduate courses in Power and Influence across numerous degree programs at USF. His primary research interests revolve around issues in organizational networks, culture, and leadership. He is particularly interested in how social networks—and people's perception of networks—influence and reflect the active mental models and power dynamics within organizations.
Abstract: It can be difficult for us to be sure of our own relationships, let alone those that exist between other people. Yet, whatever working model of the broader social landscape we hold, our network perceptions can significantly influence our decision-making, behavior, and interpretation of events. This motivates the research on cognitive social structures featured in this talk. Using a unique longitudinal data set spanning 6 consecutive weeks of interaction among 20 individuals distributed across 4 formal working groups, I will discuss the alignment patterns and evolution of network perceptions within and across groups. Additional data collected on group self-perception and perception of other groups join demographic data to provide further context for consideration.
Selected Readings:
Brands, R. A. (2013). Cognitive social structures in social network research: A review. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(S1), S82-S103
Ertan, Güneş, and Siciliano, Michael D.. 2023. “A Cognitive Network Perspective for Public Administration And Policy.” Public Administration Review 1– 10.
We continue the CIRSS speaker series in Spring 2023 with a focus on “Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Computing”. We will meet on Fridays, 9-10am Central Time, on Zoom. To join a session, go to the current week’s session and click the “access” link, which will lead you to a calendar entry. There, click the “PARTICIPATE online” button to join a session. Recordings of past talks can be found next to "access" if available. The event is open to the public, and everyone is welcome to attend! This series is hosted by the Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship (CIRSS). If you have any questions, please contact Jana Diesner and Halil Kilicoglu.
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This event is sponsored by Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship