CFG Seminar: Research Talk: "Game Theory and Argumentation" by Dr. Ludäscher and Yilin Xia
Dr. Bertram Ludäscher and doctorate student Yilin Xia will present their recent work, “Games and Argumentation: Time for a Family Reunion!”.
Learn more about this semester's schedule. We welcome all of you to lead the reading discussion! If you want to use CFG slots to share your own research, also feel free to contact us.
Combinatorial game theory in the form of two-player, win-move games have played an important historical role in developing formal argumentation, logic programming semantics and non-monotonic reasoning, database query languages, and more recently, data provenance. While connected originally through win-move games, formal argumentation theory and the study of query languages have largely separated from their historical connections, following their own paths with significant research results and tools. This paper touches on this history and highlights how the use of a single, non-stratified, logic programming rule within these two communities continues to connect many of their underlying approaches today, arguing that a potential fruitful line of research may exist by reconnecting the approaches, in a so-called “family reunion,” where results in each community may be directly transferable to the other.
Ludäscher, B., & Xia, Y. (2023). Games and argumentation: Time for a family reunion! The XLoKR workshop in joint with the 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.
Dung, P. M. (1995). On the acceptability of arguments and its fundamental role in nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming and n-person games. Artificial intelligence, 77(2), 321-357.
This is a joint work with Dr. Shawn Bowers, a professor of computer science at Gonzaga University.
This event is sponsored by Conceptual Foundation Groups