Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Computing Speaker Series: Vit "Vitya" Novacek

Vit "Vitya" Novacek, an associate professor at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, will present "Curing Cancer with Knowledge Graphs (and other Outrageous Ideas)."
Access to previous talks can be found here.
Vit "Vitya" Novacek is an associate professor at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University. He is also affiliated with Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, helping to coordinate various strategic activities related to biomedical AI applications. He holds a PhD from the DERI (now Data Science) Institute at University of Galway, and various other degrees that are not that terribly important anymore. Vít's research revolves around discovery informatics based on machine learning, explainable AI and text mining, with a strong emphasis on oncology use cases. He has published 40+ peer-reviewed papers in various high-profile journals and conferences (Briefings in Bioinformatics, PLOS Computational Biology, CIKM or ECML/PKDD, to name a few examples). Vít has helped to acquire and coordinate multiple research projects and industrial collaborations (working with national, European, US and Japanese partners). The total amount of funding Vít has secured for his various research groups is ca. €1,800,000. He has 3 patents granted and 3 pending (in the EU, US and JP jurisdictions), and serves on the AI Advisory Board of BioXcel Therapeutics, Inc. Last but not least, Vít has prepared, organised and taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses on AI, machine learning, bioinformatics and health informatics (some having in excess of 300 students enrolled).
Relevant readings:
Janik, Adrianna, et al. "Machine learning–assisted recurrence prediction for patients with early-stage non–small-cell lung cancer." JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 7 (2023): e2200062. (
Mohamed, Sameh K., Vít Nováček, and Aayah Nounu. "Discovering protein drug targets using knowledge graph embeddings." Bioinformatics 36.2 (2020): 603-610. (
Nováček, Vít, et al. "Accurate prediction of kinase-substrate networks using knowledge graphs." PLoS computational biology 16.12 (2020): e1007578. (
This is the last CIRSS talk for Fall 2023 with a focus on “Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Computing”. To join a session, go to the current week’s session and click the “access” link, which will lead you to a calendar entry. There, click the “PARTICIPATE online” button to join a session. Recordings of past talks can be found next to "access" if available. The event is open to the public, and everyone is welcome to attend! This series is hosted by the Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship (CIRSS). If you have any questions, please contact Jana Diesner and Halil Kilicoglu.
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This event is sponsored by Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship