Center for Children's Books Annual Pre-Book Sale
For the very best selection for our annual book sale, you will want to attend the pre-sale! The sale will feature hundreds of new children's books for youth ages birth through high school.
Available titles represent the full spectrum of children's publishing in fiction and nonfiction:
- Board books
- Picture books
- Easy and transitional readers
- Chapter books
- Series fiction
- Novels
- Activity books and kits
- Nonfiction series
- Mass-market paperbacks, and more.
Paperback books are $2 each, and hardcover books are $5 each, with other items priced as marked.
All proceeds support the Center for Children's Books (CCB) and The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books.
Tickets to the pre-sale are $20. Please email the Center for Children's Books at or call us at (217) 244-0324 for more information about the book sale or to register for the pre-sale.
Ticket reservations will be accepted February 1-16.
This event is sponsored by Center for Children's Books