Are you working at a library or information science-related job? If so, what do you do at your job on an average day? I am currently the pre-professional graduate assistant for Career and Information Services at The Career Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Considered a special library, I perform a variety tasks on a typical day. As the assistant to the information management specialist I support the maintenance of electronic and print resources at the Center. This includes updating our website as well as performing collection development and management tasks. I also provide career related reference services, as well as technical services tasks such as copy cataloging and preparing books for circulation. Along with these tasks, I work on designated projects including a monthly resource display and research on a semester project. This semester I am developing a project to gauge the professional development information needs of first generation Latina/o students. If you are wondering; yes, I do work on many of these tasks on an average day, and yes it's really fun!
What is/was your favorite LIS class and why? I really enjoyed Library Administration (LIS 505). I am very interested in eventually holding an administrative position in a library institution (in the near or distant future), and this class really provided great foundational knowledge on the realities of library administration through case studies and discussion requiring critical thinking and analysis. The course provided the theoretical, practical, and psychological factors that affect library administration.
What is your favorite aspect of library and information science (i.e.- web design, reference, collections, archives, etc) and why? My favorite aspects of LIS are public services and technology. One of the major motivations for my pursuing this degree was the high level of teamwork, communication, and interaction with users as well as professionals. The ability to provide services that help visitors through the use of technology is very rewarding.