Get to know Sandra Enimil (MS ’12), head of the Copyright Resources Center

Sandra Enimil

A lawyer and librarian, Sandra Enimil uses training from both vocations to navigate the world of copyright law. In addition to helping researchers untangle the legal complexities of using third-party content, she uses her reference skills to help them locate the resources they need. Watch Sandra Enimil talk about copyright law.

Where do you work and what is your role? 

As head of the Copyright Resources Center at The Ohio State University Libraries, I help people navigate copyright law. The question I receive most often is "Can I use this?" Researchers want to know how they can incorporate third-party content into their scholarship and research. Increasingly, we've been approaching inquiries as an opportunity to provide information on author’s rights and how to manage rights as a creator (and not just as a user) of content. 

What do you like best about your job?

I learn something new every day. The patrons who visit, call, or email us are looking for help with their research. I have to learn a little bit about what they do in order to discuss possible solutions for whatever brings them to us.

How did the iSchool help you get to where you are today?

After several years of working in private practice and doing legal contract work, a friend who was employed in the archives at the Chicago Defender asked if I would to take over her position while she took a sabbatical. I ended up staying in the position for almost four years. During that time, I met many librarians and archivists who encouraged me to get an LIS degree. One archivist in particular suggested I apply to the iSchool at Illinois and for the LIS Access Midwest Program (LAMP) scholarship. I was accepted into the School and also received a LAMP scholarship. I planned to enroll in the Leep online option and keep my job at the Chicago Defender, but I was laid off a few months after the program began, so I decided to pursue the degree full time and try to complete it in one year. My MS/LIS degree helped me understand the library world. Additionally, I made some wonderful connections to faculty and students. 

What advice would you like to share with iSchool students? 

Don't feel like you have to know exactly what you want to do in school. I had an idea of what I could possibly do, but what I ended up doing was beyond my imagination. 

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I am currently on maternity leave, so I'm enjoying watching my newborn daughter sleep and binge-watching Netflix shows. When I'm not busy raising a tiny human, I love going to galleries and museums.


Produced by The Ohio State University

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