Professor Michael Twidale and David M. Nichols, University of Waikato (New Zealand), will present “Measuring what matters: metrics incentives and openness,” on June 20th as part of the Australasian Open Access Strategy Group (AOASG) Webinar Series 2017:
As researchers wanting to advocate for open access, we decided to explore openness from the perspective of designing metrics. Doing this made us realize that metric design is a sociotechnical problem, involving considerations of what is easy to count, what is important to count—and what to do when these are different.
Nichols and Twidale will share insights from their paper Metrics for Openness, which was published this year in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. These insights include proposed metrics to describe different facets of open access and open research, including measures to represent the public availability of articles along with their archival location, licenses, access costs, and supporting information.
Twidale is an expert in computer-supported cooperative work, collaborative technologies in digital libraries and museums, user interface design and evaluation, information visualization, and museum informatics. He is program director for the iSchool’s Master of Science in information management (MS/IM) and holds joint appointments at Illinois in the Department of Computer Science, Information Trust Institute, and Academy of Entrepreneurial Leadership. He earned his PhD in computing from Lancaster University.