Developing Tools for Implementation of Illinois Project for Local Assessment of Needs (IPLAN) for Local Health Departments

Time Frame


Total Funding to Date



  • Ian Brooks

This project works with the Illinois Department of Public Health to develop an information system that will enable local health departments and other stakeholders in Illinois to use and analyze data currently being disseminated by IDPH. This data will be used to develop health indicators, such as maternal and infant health, non-communicable diseases, drug overdoses, healthcare access, and cancer data. These indicators will in turn be compiled into a community health profile reflecting the overall statistical health of each Illinois County.

IDPH Web Portal


  • Colleen Bushell (NCSA)
  • Lisa Gatzke (NCSA)
  • Thierry Guigma (Illinois Informatics)

Funding Agencies

  • Illinois Department of Health, 2017 – $75,000.00