

Quality and Reliability Dynamics


Temporal and social dynamics of the quality and reliability of information and information systems. How do information systems improve, fail, and fit in their social contexts? How does information quality evolve…

Query Modeling Using Intra-Entity Knowledge Base Structure

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This project aims to improve search engine effectiveness by using knowledge base (KB) entries to inform query expansion. While the intersection of KBs and information retrieval (IR) is a growing research area, this project proposes a novel approach to KB-based query modeling. In particular, this project proposes to let the structure that KB authors impose within individual KB entries guide the…

Rapid Prototyping of Semantic Enhancements to Biodiversity Informatics Platforms

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Michael Twidale
Total funding to date
Funding agency
National Science Foundation

Taxonomists are scientists who describe the world’s biodiversity. These descriptions of millions of species allow scientists to do many different kinds of research, including basic biology, environmental science, climate research, agriculture, and medicine. The problem is that describing any one species is not easy. The language used by taxonomists to describe their data is complex, and…

Reducing the Inadvertent Spread of Retracted Science: Shaping a Research and Implementation Agenda

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Jodi Schneider
Total funding to date
Funding agency
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

When retracted papers are cited both before and after retraction, the scientific publication network inadvertently propagates potentially faked data, fundamental errors, and unreproducible results. Schneider's project will bring together a variety of stakeholders, including funders, editors, peer reviewers, authors, and publishers for interviews and a workshop. In addition to investigating the…

retracted science

Repository Services for Accessible Course Content

Time frame
J. Stephen Downie
Total funding to date
Funding agency
Institute of Museum and Library Services

Across the country, colleges and universities are struggling to meet demand for accessible forms of course materials for students with an array of disabilities. At present, each institution is addressing this problem individually, at great expense, and often without full campus coordination, much less consortial collaboration. Locating digital files is difficult and entails numerous sources.…

Review and Assessment of the Usage of Computational Methods for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Efforts, and Scalable Measurement of Emergency Response from Text Data

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Jana Diesner
Total funding to date
Funding agency
Department of Homeland Security and Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute

The Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) project has endeavored to use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to increase situational awareness of humanitarian relief operations. We based our efforts on prior work in and across a number of fields heavily engaged in similar projects. These fields include crisis informatics, humanitarian response, and information systems for crisis…

humanitarian relief efforts

Semantic Analysis for Digital Preservation

David Dubin

Description of structural and semantic relationships and properties of, within, and between resources is seen as a key issue in digital preservation. But the markup languages used to encode descriptions for…

Socio-technical Data Analytics (SODA) Education

Time frame
Catherine Blake
Total funding to date
Funding agency
Institute of Museum and Library Services

This project will create both a master’s and doctoral-level specialization in Socio-technical Data Analytics (SODA). Partnerships with local researchers and businesses who already work with large data-sets will enable master's graduates to receive first-hand experience with both the social and technical implications of large digital data collections, and thus be well-prepared for leadership…

Software Environment for the Advancement of Scholarly Research (SEASR)

Time frame
J. Stephen Downie
Total funding to date
Funding agency
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

SEASR, subawarded through Stanford University, fosters collaboration by empowering scholars to share data and research in virtual work environments. This eases scholars’ access to digital research materials, which currently are stored in a variety of incompatible formats.