Students to present at LOEX Annual Conference

Five GSLIS master's students will make presentations at the LOEX Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, on May 2-4, 2013. The conference, which focuses on information literacy and instruction, is a long-standing event in a field that is highly competitive for presentations and registration. Presentations include:

Blogging is Half the Battle: Best Practices for Content Development, Implementation and Addressing Patrons’ Needs with Social Media"
Presenter: Rachel A. Lux

Social media is regularly used in the Undergraduate Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as an instructional tool. Blogs, social network platforms and photo/visual accounts can all highlight and point to resources and services around the library. But simply linking to items isn’t enough. This poster explores ways to create dynamic social media use policies and procedures; develop content that is timely, meaningful and makes the biggest instructional impact; and use analytics and online patron interactions to guide future content decisions.

"Drawing Out the Melody: An Approach to Organizing and Analyzing Qualitative Assessment Data"
Presenter: Emma Clausen

Met with a voluminous stack of files filled with rich feedback, a librarian’s biggest barrier to utilizing qualitative assessment data is implementing a streamlined method for organization and analysis. This poster presentation will illustrate an analytical approach that grew out of working with over 4,000 qualitative comments from 15 events. Librarians will benefit from learning how to preserve necessary relationships among data points that facilitate analysis and encourage a move away from static text files. This time-saving approach will empower librarians to use everyday tools to complete the assessment process and effect change on assessment results reporting and decision making.

"LibGuides and Savvy Shorts for Distance Learners: An Assessment of Impact"
Presenters: Ben Murphy and Cate Kompare

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library offers a series of popular Savvy Researcher workshops on topics ranging from library orientation to organizing a job search to getting started with GIS. But many non-traditional students, especially those enrolled in LEEP—the distance education option at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science—have requested an online or asynchronous alternative. This poster describes using LibGuides embedded with Savvy Shorts videos as a way to model both the structure and active learning elements of an in-person Savvy Researcher class, and reports on a survey of LEEP students who used the LibGuide.

"Personal Information Management"
Presenter: Erik Radio

The task of organizing personal information is a process that has grown more complex as new kinds of information become available and in different mediums. The Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers a Personal Information Management workshop on building effective methods of information management, focusing on new software and applications to aid in this endeavor. Additionally, there is an emphasis on how to stay current with new developments in information management. This poster describes the content of these workshops as well as their considerable utility in equipping students for academic success.

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