With a growing international population and a penchant for cross-campus collaboration, the University of Illinois provides a wealth of opportunities for area youth to learn about cultures other than their own. The Center for Children’s Books (CCB) teamed up with the Luso-Brazilian Association and University Housing recently to host one such multicultural learning event at the Orchard Downs Family & Graduate Housing complex on campus.
Held in April, the event included several kid-friendly activities. Students taking the GSLIS storytelling course told stories with origins in Armenia, Brazil, China, and North America. Other students set up a reading corner where children could read books themselves or with help from a family member. GSLIS’s resident gaming expert, Research Associate Professor David Dubin, hosted a game table where young attendees found both a capable teacher and a worthy opponent. The Luso-Brazilian Association, a registered student organization at Illinois, hosted a photo booth that included props, decorations, and international backdrops.
CCB Outreach and Communications Coordinator Anna Shustitzky reported that the event was a success and drew more than thirty attendees. The three organizing groups collaborated previously to cohost a caricature night at Orchard Downs earlier this year. The CCB also worked with University Housing to hold several storytime events at Orchard Downs throughout the 2014-2015 academic year.