David Dubin

Teaching Associate Professor

PhD, Information Science, University of Pittsburgh

Research focus

The foundations of information representation and description; issues of expression and encoding in documents and digital information resources.

Office hours

By appointment, please contact professor

Publications & Papers

Berti, M., Almas, B., Dubin, D., Franzini, G., Stoyanova, S., and Crane, G. R. (2015). The linked fragment: TEI and the encoding of text reuses of lost authors. Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, (8).

Dubin, D. and Jett, J. (2015). An ontological framework for describing games. In Proceedings of the 2015 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. New York.

Wickett, K. M., Sacchi, S., Dubin, D., and Renear, A. H. (2012). Identifying content and levels of representation in scientific data. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 49.

Dubin, D., Wickett, K.M., and Sacchi, S. (2011). Content, format, and interpretation. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2011, volume 7 of Balisage Series on Markup Technologies. Montreal, Canada.

Renear, A. H. and Dubin, D. (2007). Three of the four FRBR group 1 entity types are roles, not types. In A. Grove, editor, Proceedings of the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Information Today, Inc., Medford, NJ.

Dubin, D. (2004). The most influential paper Gerard Salton never wrote. Library Trends, 52(4):748–764.

Dubin, D., Sperberg-McQueen, C. M., Renear, A., and Huitfeldt, C. (2003). A logic programming environment for document semantics and inference. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 18(2):225–233.

Renear, A. and Dubin, D. (2003). Towards identity conditions for digital documents. In S. Sutton, editor, Proceedings of the 2003 Dublin Core Conference. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Renear, A., Dubin, D., Sperberg-McQueen, C. M., and Huitfeldt, C. (2002). Towards a semantics for XML markup. In R. Furuta, J. I. Maletic, and E. Munson, editors, Proceedings of the 2002 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, pages 119–126. Association for Computing Machinery, McLean, VA.

Dubin, D. (1995). Document analysis for visualization. In Proceedings of the Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pages 199–204. ACM SIGIR, Association for Computing Machinery, New York.


Dubin, D. (2018). Central Illinois Games and Gamers: Some Highlights of the Last Half Century. Presented at the Playful By Design Spring Symposium," Urbana, IL.

Dubin, D. and Jett, J. (2016). What game are we really playing? Presented at Extending Play 3, New Brunswick, NJ.

Almas, B., Berti, M., Choudhury, S., Dubin, D., Senseney, M., and Wickett, K. M. (2013). Representing humanities research data using complementary provenance models. Presented at Building Global Partnerships: Research Data Alliance Second Plenary Meeting,Washington, DC.

Wickett, K., Dubin, D., Almas, B., and Senseney, M. (2013). Extending the systematic assertion model for humanities research. Presented at the 2013 ASIS&T Research Data Access and Preservation Summit.

Wickett, K.M., Sacchi, S., Dubin, D., and Renear, A. H. (2012). Representing identity and equivalence for scientific data. Presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting.

Wickett, K. M., Thomer, A., Sacchi, S., Baker, K. S., and Dubin, D. (2012). What dataset descriptions actually describe: Using the systematic assertion model to connect theory and practice. Presented at the 2012 ASIS&T Research Data Access and Preservation Summit.

Renear, A., Dubin, D., and Wickett, K. (2008). When digital objects change—exactly what changes? Presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Columbus, OH.

Dubin, D. (2006). Reframing author cocitation analysis. Presented at the tenth biennial meeting of the International Federation of Classification Societies, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

Downie, J. S., Renear, A., Mathes, A., Medina, K., Dubin, D., and Lee, J. H. (2005). Modelling complex multimedia relationships in the humanities computing context: Are Dublin Core and FRBR up to the task? Presented at ALLC/ACH, Victoria, British Columbia.