Drexel University's College of Computing and Informatics has selected PhD student Jessica Cheng as a LEADS-4-NDP 2018-2019 Fellow. LEADS-4-NDP, the LIS Education and Data Science for the National Digital Platform program, is part of the Institute of Library and Museum Services (IMLS) Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program.
As a Fellow, Cheng will participate in a data science boot camp at Drexel in early June. She also will spend ten weeks in an immersive data science internship, working with the Academy of Natural Sciences, which is one of the National Digital Platform (NDP) partners.
"The LEADS-4-NDP Program is a great opportunity to be involved with research and teaching in the information science disciplines, especially on the forefront of how to use data science tools to address LIS problems or applying LIS theories to data science applications," Cheng said.
Cheng's research interests lie at the intersection of information organization and data science methods. She is especially interested in topics related to knowledge organization, semantic web technologies, ontologies, and taxonomy alignment. Cheng earned her bachelor's and master's degrees in library and information science from National Taiwan University.