Glen Worthey is the new associate director for research support services in the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC), a collaboration between the University of Illinois, Indiana University, and the HathiTrust to enable advanced computational access to text found in the HathiTrust Digital Library. He will be based at the iSchool at Illinois.
Worthey comes to Illinois from Stanford, where he was the digital humanities librarian and founding head of Stanford's Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research. He has held many roles in the international digital humanities community and is currently chair-elect of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Executive Board.
"As both a librarian and digital humanist, HathiTrust and its excellent research center have been on my radar since their founding. I've known, interacted with, and admired many HTRC people, both present and past, and the opportunity to join such a storied organization, dedicated so strongly to both my beloved digital humanities work and to the public good, seemed obviously like a great one," he said.
In his new position, Worthey will coordinate the iSchool's HTRC team known as Research Support Services, which includes Digital Humanities Specialist Ryan Dubnicek, Postdoctoral Researcher Jacob Jett, and developers Boris Capitanu and Deren Kudeki, as well as graduate research assistants and frequent collaborators who work on campus and remotely. He also will work closely with HTRC's two other teams: Cyberinfrastructure & Operations (based at Indiana University in Bloomington) and Education & Outreach (based at the the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, HathiTrust’s headquarters). He will report to Professor and Associate Dean for Research J. Stephen Downie, co-director of the HTRC.
"It's such a smart, vibrant group of people that I spend much of my time just learning from them as they—now we—support and advance digital research on the unparalleled HathiTrust Digital Library collections," said Worthey.
Worthey's graduate work at the University of California, Berkeley, focused on Russian children's literature. He retains an active interest in this and related topics, including multilingual digital humanities, Russian literature and culture, children's literature, and poetry translation.