MS/LIS student Kyra Lee had the opportunity to network with leaders in the LIS field at the 2022 Black Caucus American Library Association (BCALA) Leadership Institute. At the inaugural event, which took place from April 12-14 in Durham, North Carolina, LIS students and early career library professionals gathered for workshops, panels, facilitated discussions, and presentations. Lee was one of eighteen students selected to participate in the institute.
"Tracie D. Hall, ALA's executive director, was very inspirational. In her keynote, she reminded us to always keep our mission at the forefront of all our decisions and remember why we decided to become librarians. She also discussed information redlining and how important it is that librarians address the growing digital divide," said Lee.
According to Lee, the institute gave her a better understanding of how to leverage her skill set in order to advance her career. While her immediate goal after completing her MS/LIS degree is to become a youth services librarian, Lee would eventually like to work in library administration.
"Hearing about everyone's leadership journeys helped me realize that there is an infinite amount of opportunities available for library professionals, and it energized me to seek out opportunities where I can make the greatest impact," she said.