The Center for Children's Books (CCB) at the iSchool is hosting its annual book sale on February 18-19, 2024. Hundreds of brand-new children's books will be available for youth ages birth through high school. The titles represent the full spectrum of children’s publishing in fiction and nonfiction, including board books, picture books, easy and transitional readers, chapter books, series fiction, novels, activity books and kits, nonfiction series, mass-market paperbacks, and more.
Paperback books sell for $1 or $2 each, hardcover books $5 each, and other items are priced as marked.
A pre-sale will be held on February 18 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is a $20 registration fee for the pre-sale. To register, please email the CCB at bccb@illinois.edu. Ticket reservations will be accepted from February 1-16. The general public sale will not require a registration fee and will be held on February 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
All proceeds support the CCB, a reference and resource center for librarians, teachers, parents, scholars, and other educators, and The Bulletin of The Center for Children's Books. For more information about the sale, contact the CCB at bccb@illinois.edu.