After graduating with his BSIS degree in May, Colton Keiser will head to St. Louis to work as an internal audit and financial advisory consultant with Protiviti. He gained experience in auditing while working as an intern for the Montgomery County Public Defender in his hometown of Hillsboro, Illinois.
Keiser started college as a political science major but switched to information sciences because of his interest in technology. For Keiser, the BSIS degree merged what he had learned in his humanities classes with his passion for technology.
“This major covers every aspect of tech, including UI/UX, game design, information, and data. I was really excited to explore these different avenues,” he said.
His favorite class at the iSchool has been Data Visualization (IS 445) with Teaching Assistant Professor Jill Naiman, in which he learned how to use GitHub and a variety of visualization techniques. According to Keiser, his BSIS coursework has provided him with a “nuanced perspective on technology” and a matching skill set. He has served as an iSchool peer advisor, answering questions about course selection and career paths, assisting with career fairs, and editing the iSchool’s SharePoint website.
As he starts the next chapter of his life, Keiser encourages students to take advantage of all the resources the School has to offer.
“Go to career fairs, participate in mock interviews, and join the iSchool’s various clubs and business fraternity,” advised Keiser.