Twelve iSchool students named 2024-2025 ALA Spectrum Scholars

Twelve iSchool master’s students have been named 2024-2025 Spectrum Scholars by the American Library Association (ALA) Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services. Since 1997, the Spectrum Scholarship Program has promoted diversity among graduate-level students pursuing degrees in library and information studies through ALA-accredited programs.

This year's scholars were selected based on their commitment to community building, leadership potential, and planned contributions to making social justice as part of everyday work in LIS. The highly competitive scholarship program received four times as many applications as there were available scholarships.

The Spectrum Scholarship recipients at Illinois are:

  • Charmaine Branch
  • Mateo Leon Caballero
  • Guadalupe Castillo
  • Tyler Aidan Hernandez
  • Giselle Herrera
  • Armaan Singh Kalkat
  • Leslie Lopez
  • Katherine Mendoza Gonzalez
  • Kathia Perez-Enriquez
  • Dalia Ortiz Pon
  • Anita Sharma
  • Hilda Vazquez Medina

Each scholar receives $5,000 to assist with educational costs as well as professional development opportunities at the Spectrum Leadership Institute and ALA Annual Conference (and throughout their scholarship year), which are valued at over $1,500. In addition, the scholars will receive a tuition waiver from the iSchool and a grant from the Sylvia Murphy Williams Fund, given by the Illinois Library Association. 

"I'm excited that so many of our students have been recognized as Spectrum Scholars by the American Library Association," said Katrina Hagler, director of recruitment and admissions. "Our students' achievements exemplify the importance of information systems in the evolution of our society. I can't wait to see how they utilize this opportunity to impact their own communities."

"To our new students, I'd like to say how proud we are to welcome you to the iSchool as part of the prestigious cohort of Spectrum Scholars. Your scholarship and commitment to excellence make the iSchool shine brightly among its peers, both domestically and globally. We hope you have a phenomenal experience," said Eugene L. Moore, assistant dean for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

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