iSchool represented at Charleston Conference

Anita Coleman
Anita Coleman, Adjunct Lecturer
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Affiliate Professor
Melissa Wong
Melissa Wong, Adjunct Lecturer

iSchool adjunct and affiliate faculty will participate in the 2024 Charleston Conference, which will be held in person on November 11–15 in Charleston, South Carolina. There will also be a virtual conference on December 9–13.

The conference is an annual gathering that draws librarians, publishers, vendors, and others to discuss issues relating to the acquisition and publication of books and serials. This year’s theme is “The Sky’s the Limit!”

Adjunct Lecturer Anita Coleman will co-lead "Charting Turbulent Skies: Can Libraries Sustain Anti-Racist Efforts in Our Politicized Climate?" The session will be in person on November 14 and online on December 12.

Affiliate Professor Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe will co-lead "Charleston Goes to Washington: Public Access, AI, Copyright ... and Yes, the Election." The session will be in person on November 13 and virtual on December 11. She will also co-lead "Charleston Trendspotting Initiative." The session will be in person on November 14 and online on December 12. 

Adjunct Lecturer Melissa Wong will co-lead "AI as Learning Coach: Scaffolding Learner Engagement with Content, Process, and Product." The session will be in person on November 14 and online on December 12.

Coleman studies the digital, ethical, indigenous, legal, and socio-cultural dimensions of knowledge organization. 

Hinchliffe's research focus includes teaching and learning, higher education, globalization, information literacy, library assessment/evaluation, and library quality. 

Wong's scholarship focuses on reference, instruction, and online learning.

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