
The iSchool offers minors in Informatics and Game Studies & Design. Students who pursue a minor in informatics learn to study and develop new uses for computer systems. The Game Studies & Design minor signals that you have acquired interactive design skills and that you are aware of the impact of games across sectors of society. Both programs are open to undergraduate students from all colleges and majors.

Informatics Minor

Informatics studies the design, application, use, and impact of information technology. A minor in informatics can diversify your educational portfolio and complement your major. The study of informatics will teach you to become a better creator and user of computing technology and to think critically about technology’s role in society. Informatics requires an understanding of the same areas studied by computer scientists, but it is more focused on applications of technology. It is less technical and theoretical than computer science, and it also considers social and psychological aspects of IT.

Game Studies and Design Minor

This minor fosters critical skills in academic game studies and technical skills in game design. Students learn to think critically about the history, cultural meaning, social impact, ethics, and increasingly significant role of games, gaming, and interactive media in a diverse society. Game studies and design will teach you to become a better creator and user of games and game technologies and to think critically about their role in society.