GSLIS eUpdate: Volume 13, Number 1

The GSLIS eUpdate, published every other month, summarizes current news, events, alumni and advancement highlights, and continuing professional development opportunities. Other publications that may be of interest to alumni and friends are listed on the GSLIS Publications web page.



1. GSLIS Spotlight
2. News Summary
3. Continuing Professional Development
4. Alumni and Advancement Highlights
5. Calendar of Events
6. Unsubscribe and/or contact us

Note: We enjoy receiving and sharing news about your career and life accomplishments. Please take the time to update your contact information and/or share a Class Note about your recent activities using our Alumni Update Form.



Carol Tilley featured on Big Ten Network

GSLIS Assistant Professor Carol Tilley was the focus of a documentary recently aired on the Big Ten Network. “Carol Tilley, Comic Book Crusader,” examined the comic book industry and its truths and myths. It ran on July 19 and is available for viewing online via the University of Illinois’s YouTube channel. Tilley has received national attention for her research on Fredric Wertham, a psychiatrist and anti-comics critic whose 1954 book Seduction of the Innocent inspired federal hearings that decimated the comic book industry. Her review of Wertham’s personal archives uncovered numerous inconsistencies between the case notes of children treated by Wertham and the content in his book.

Registration Now Open for the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) UnCamp

 The second annual HTRC UnCamp will be held September 8-9 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign iHotel and Conference Center.

HTRC is a unique collaborative research center launched jointly by Indiana University and the University of Illinois, along with the HathiTrust Digital Library, to help meet the technical challenges of dealing with massive amounts of digital text that researchers face by developing cutting-edge software tools and cyberinfrastructure to enable advanced computational access to the growing digital record of human knowledge.

The UnCamp is different: it is part hands-on coding and demonstration, part inspirational use-cases, part community building, and part informational, all structured in the dynamic setting of an un-conference programming format. UnCamp will feature stellar keynote speakers including Matt Wilkens, who specializes in contemporary American fiction, and digital and computational literary studies at Notre Dame, and Christopher Warren, specialist in Renaissance literature as it relates to politics, law, international political thought, and intellectual history, at Carnegie Mellon. New this year is a Scholarly Communication Office Hours. The office hours is a pilot for user services: participants will have the option to sign up for individual consultation sessions with members of the UIUC library.

Who should attend?

The HTRC UnCamp is targeted to the digital humanities and informatics tool developers, researchers and librarians, and graduate students.


To make UnCamp as affordable as possible, registration is set at $100. Please visit to register. Registration is due by August 31, 2013.

For more information:

If you have questions regarding the HTRC UnCamp please contact Megan Senseney, HTRC project coordinator: or (217) 244-5574.



News items featured within the past month on the GSLIS home page include the following stories; for a comprehensive list, visit the GSLIS Newsroom.

Mak Named Centennial Scholar
Barnes highlighted in SLA 'Illuminate Illinois' feature
Serbanuta and Sweeney awarded Garfield Dissertation Fellowships
GSLIS to make strong showing at JCDL
Six students named ALA 2013 Spectrum Scholars
Deng receives CALA President's Recognition Award
Four alumni honored with LSAA Awards
Roberts, Sweeney travel to Dublin for panel presentation
Meza receives SLA's Impact Award
Anselmo highlighted in SLA 'Illuminate Illinois' feature

Reflections on Inclusion
Read about the importance of inclusion in teaching and research through a series of interviews with GSLIS faculty completed by Associate Professor Kathryn La Barre. The Reflections on Inclusion interview series explores the School's efforts to respect varied perspectives and diversity of experiences.


GSLIS Social Media

Check out our new faculty videos:

A Few Moments with Nicole Cooke
GSLIS Assistant Professor Nicole Cooke discusses the initial impetus for her research on distance education, her interests in information behavior and diversity issues, and her passion for teaching librarians how to teach.

A Few Moments with Alistair Black
GSLIS Professor Alistair Black discusses his early fascination with libraries and his thoughts on the history of libraries and information management.

For up-to-date news and announcements, you are invited to follow the GSLIS Twitter and “like” us on Facebook: Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Illinois.



Certified Public Library Administrator (CPLA) Courses

Budget and Finance for the Library
Dates: September 3 - October 8, 2013
Times: Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Instructor: Robert Burger, PhD, CPA, Professor Emeritus University of Illinois Library
Cost: $300

Planning and Management of Library Buildings
Dates: October 6 - November 15, 2013
Times: Asynchronous format
Instructor: Rose Chenoweth, MSLIS
Cost: $300

For more information and to register, visit CPLA Program and Courses.

The enrollment form for Fall 2013 Community Credit will close on August 15. For a listing of open classes and registration information please visit Community Credit.

Please forward your ideas for continuing education topics to Molly McLaughlin.



LEEP Program Growing by Leaps and Bounds
GSLIS welcomed LEEP Cohort 18 in July! The students joining LEEP 18.1 and 18.2 reflect a wide geographic diversity from Washington, Oregon, and California on the west coast to Connecticut, Maryland, and Washington DC on the east coast and from as far north as Minnesota and as far south as Texas, Alabama, and Georgia. Although now living in the US, this cohort includes students born in Russia, India, Colombia, and Mexico. They bring a rich multidisciplinary mix of academic backgrounds, including electrical engineering, law, theater, music, history, and English. While many are working in libraries (academic, public, and special), others have experience in positions in other sectors including business, public radio, public schools, and museums. They were attracted to GSLIS for the range of course offerings and opportunities to pursue areas of study within the MS program, ranging from youth services to special collections to data curation and digital libraries.

2014 Alternative Spring Break (March 24-28) Host Recruitment Underway
GSLIS is recruiting hosts for Alternative Spring Break 2014 (ASB) student placements. We are not restricted to a particular location or type of position in the field of library and information science. If you would like to offer a student an opportunity or have additional questions regarding ASB, please contact ASB Coordinator Roy Brooks at by October 1.

Illinois Football at Soldier Field
On Saturday, September 14, 2013, at 5:00pm Illinois will play the University of Washington at Soldier Field in Chicago. If you need tickets or are planning to attend, please contact Diana Stroud at

LGBT Resource Center Anniversary
The LGBT Resource Center at the University of Illinois will celebrate 20 years on our campus with a variety of programs on October 4-6. All are welcome to participate. As many of you know, Curt McKay served as the Center’s first director when he left his position as Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at GSLIS. For more details, please visit

Call for Nominations for 2013 Downs Intellectual Freedom Award
Nominations are invited for the Robert B. Downs Intellectual Freedom Award. Given annually, the award acknowledges individuals or groups who have furthered the cause of intellectual freedom, particularly as it impacts libraries and information centers and the dissemination of ideas. Granted to those who have resisted censorship or efforts to abridge the freedom of individuals to read or view materials of their choice, the award may be in recognition of a particular action or a long-term interest in dedication to the cause of intellectual freedom.

Letters of nomination and documentation about the nominee should be sent via email to with a copy to or in paper form to Terry Weech, Associate Professor, GSLIS, 501 East Daniel Street, Champaign, IL 61820 by October 1, 2013. Questions should be directed to Professor Weech at

LEEP Cohort Challenge
Established in 2009, the Challenge has raised more than $21,000 in support for the LEEP Distance Scholarship Fund. Cohort leaders have responded to the call for action and are leading the campaign to raise $25,000 by infusing a little healthy competition into the mix. Take a moment to check out the Cohort rankings below and then click LEEP Scholarship Endowment Fund to make your gift. If you are from Cohort 12, 14 or 15 and would like to volunteer as the cohort leader, please contact Sharon Johnson.

Cohort Challenge Rankings
Cohort 3 - $3,775 (Marci Cohen, Leader)
Cohort 7 - $3,490 (Brooke Johnson, Leader)
Cohort 1 - $1.975 (Kendi Kelley, Leader)
Cohort 8 - $1,410 (Amanda McKay/Jomichele Seidl, Co-Leaders)
Cohort 10 - $1,250 (Judi Bikel/Helen Linda, Co-Leaders)
Cohort 9 - $790 (Kathleen Mahoney, Leader)
Cohort 6 - $655 (James Obst, Leader)
Cohort 14 - $570 (Leader needed)
Cohort 11 - $565 (Jodi Schneider, Leader)
Cohort 5 - $450 (Melissa Henderson, Leader)
Cohort 2 - $400 (Connie Frankenfeld, Leader)
Cohort 13 - $325 (Shannon Farrell, Leader)
Cohort 12 - $300 (Leader needed)
Cohort 4 - $100 (Cyril Oberlander, Leader)
Cohort 15 - $100 (Leader Needed)



All alumni are invited to attend receptions and other GSLIS events organized around a conference, regardless of their participation in conference activities. Please stop by and see us! We also encourage you to bring a potential MS or PhD student to meet our faculty and other alumni.

8th National Conference of African American Librarians
August 7-11, 2013
Northern Kentucky Convention Center, Covington, Kentucky
Visit us at Booth 16 hosted by Amani Ayad, Program Coordinator for LAMP, for the latest news and catch up with alumni. Attend the GSLIS Reception on Saturday, August 10 at Palomino (505 East Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH) from 5pm-7pm. Alumni are encouraged to bring potential students to meet current students, faculty and alumni. RSVP to the GSLIS Advancement Office by August 6.

Fall Semester Begins
August 26

GSLIS Corporate Roundtable
Friday September 13
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
University of Illinois Research Park – EnterpriseWorks
Suite 130
Topic: Information Needs of Corporate Information Professionals
Presenters: Assistant Professor Nicole Cooke and Jose Miguel Ruiz (MS '13)
To RSVP, please email Sharon Johnson or phone 217-244-6473.

23rd Annual Mortenson Distinguished Lecture
Tuesday, September 17
4 p.m.
126 LIS Building
Speaker: Sanjana Shrestha, Country Director for READ Nepal
Topic: “Community Libraries as Platforms for Sustainable Development.” There will be a reception directly following the lecture.
To learn more, please visit the Mortenson Center web page.

GSLIS 3rd Annual Virtual Reunion
October, 2013
More information to follow. Please watch the GSLIS web site for details.

Fall 2013 LEEP On-Campus
October 3-7

Midwest Chapter/Medical Library Association Conference
October 5-8
Embassy Suites Hotel & River Front Conference Center, East Peoria, Illinois
Drop by the GSLIS Booth for the latest news and to catch up with alumni.

Illinois Library Association Conference
October 15-17
Navy Pier, Chicago
Drop by the GSLIS Booth, hosted by Diana Stroud, Assistant Dean for Advancement, for the latest news and to catch up with alumni. Attend the Annual GSLIS Breakfast on Wednesday morning, October 16, from 8am -10am (location to be announced). Alumni are encouraged to invite potential students to meet with faculty and fellow alumni. Please RSVP to the GSLIS Advancement Office prior to October 11.

Illinois School Library Media Association Conference
October 31 – November 2
Crowne Plaza, Springfield, Illinois

Drop by the GSLIS Booth hosted by Georgeann Burch, Program Coordinator, K-12, and attend the GSLIS Reception on Friday evening, November 1 from 4:30pm – 6pm. Alumni are encouraged to invite potential students to the reception. Watch the GSLIS website for details. Please RSVP to the GSLIS Advancement Office prior to October 30.



This eUpdate is delivered to all GSLIS alumni with email addresses on record at the University of Illinois Alumni Association. If you do not wish to receive further issues, please contact us and ask to be removed from the email list. GSLIS will not release your email address or share any other personal identifying information.

Feel free to pass along the eUpdate to your friends and fellow GSLIS alumni and invite them to subscribe to receive the eUpdate directly! If someone has forwarded this message to you and you would like to subscribe, please email us.

We always are interested in learning about your career and life accomplishments. To submit items, please complete and email our Alumni Update Form.

The GSLIS website is an important resource for job seekers and employers alike, Visit our Careers page to post a job, explore mentorship opportunities, and learn how to host students for practica, internships, and/or Alternative Spring Break.

To support GSLIS, please visit our confidential and secure giving site.

Have a comment about one of the stories you’ve read here? Have news that you think should be included in an upcoming issue? Contact us.

Copyright ©2013 University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science. Permission is granted to reuse this information provided the source is cited.

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