Gant to moderate TPRC42 panel

Jon Gant, GSLIS research associate professor and director of the Center for Digital Inclusion, will moderate a panel at this week’s Telecommunication Policy Research Conference (TPRC42), held at George Mason University School of Law on September 12-14. Gant, a national leader in the areas of digital inclusion and broadband adoption, served on the program committee for the conference as well.

Gant will moderate the panel “Internet, Innovation & Effects” on September 13. Papers discussed at this panel will include:

"Current Trends and Controversies in Internet Peering and Transit: Implications for the Future Evolution of the Internet"
David P. Reed, University of Colorado at Boulder; Douglas Sicker, Carnegie Mellon University; Donny Warbritton

"Measurement and Analysis of Internet Interconnection and Congestion"
David D. Clark, MIT CSAIL; Amogh D. Dhamdhere, CAIDA/UC; Matthew Luckie, CAIDA; Steven Bauer, MIT (LCS); K.C. Claffy, University of California, San Diego (UCSD); William Lehr, MIT CSAIL; Bradley Huffaker, CAIDA

"Do Internet Exchange Points Really Matter? Evidence from Bolivia"
Hernan Galperin, Universidad de San Andres; Maria F. Viecens, University of San Andres; Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin, Universidad de Buenos Aires

TPRC is an annual conference on communication, information, and Internet policy that convenes international and interdisciplinary researchers and policymakers from academia, industry, government, and nonprofit organizations. Its purpose is to present original research relevant to policy making, share information about areas where research is needed, and engage in discussion on current policy issues.

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