Senior Lecturer Maria Bonn will participate in the FORCE2016 Research Communication and eScholarship Conference in Portland, Oregon, on April 17-19. FORCE2016 is a meeting of the FORCE11 community, which includes scholars, librarians, archivists, publishers, and research funders who share the goal of improving scholarly communication through use of information technology.
Bonn will speak in a session titled, “Libraries United in Opening New Scholarly Platforms,” on April 18.
Abstract: Libraries have always been at the intersection of research, publishing, career advancement, and technical advancement within the academy. As we see from the recent Council on Library and Information Resources report, “The Once and Future Publishing Library,” many have turned towards advancing new models and platforms for knowledge dissemination either in conjunction with or in addition to their local university presses. Collaborations with libraries are allowing the university press to survive and thrive in new ways, though these collaborations are often in parallel with, but separate from innovations in publishing initiated from outside of libraries and traditional publishing circles. This session will look at current and emerging platforms for scholarly publishing that are opening new doors for scholars in terms of making their content openly accessible and usable to all. The session will also explore ways that libraries can draw connections between researchers and content producers to facilitate and accelerate the use of alternate modes of scholarly publishing as part of their everyday workflows.
Bonn's research interests include publishing, scholarly communication, networked communication, and the economics of information. At GSLIS, she teaches courses on the role of libraries in scholarly communication and publishing. She is editor of the Journal of Electronic Publishing.
Prior to her teaching appointment, Bonn served as the associate university librarian for publishing at the University of Michigan Library, with responsibility for publishing and scholarly communications initiatives, including the University of Michigan Press and the Scholarly Publishing Office. Bonn also has been an assistant professor of English at institutions both in the United States and abroad. She received a bachelor's degree from the University of Rochester, master's and doctoral degrees in American literature from SUNY Buffalo, and a master's in information and library science from the University of Michigan.