Assistant Professor Rachel M. Magee will present her research at the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) Symposium, which will be held on November 1-3 in Memphis, Tennessee. She will discuss her IMLS-funded Young Researchers project during the preconference workshop, "Literacies You Didn't Talk About in Library School." The workshop will involve "hands-on activities and conversation focused on supporting youth library staff, and the teens they work with, in the development of literacies that lead to future academic, civic, and personal success."
Magee's project focuses on getting teens involved as co-researchers in developing research projects to understand how young people use technology in their everyday life. It builds on a pilot study Magee conducted in 2016-2017, in which a group of teens in Illinois learned how to help design, implement, analyze, and report on original research.
Magee is a youth advocate who teaches about and researches youth technology and information practices, informed by her background as a public librarian. She holds a PhD in information studies from Drexel University and a master's degree in information resources and library science from the University of Arizona.
Watch this video to learn more about the preconference.