The iSchool is pleased to announce that Dong Wang will join the faculty as an associate professor in August 2021. He is currently an associate professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of Notre Dame.
Wang's research interests lie in the areas of intelligence and computing, social sensing, big data analytics, and human cyber-physical systems. His work has been applied in a wide range of real-world applications such as misinformation detection, social network analysis, crowd-based disaster response, intelligent transportation, urban planning, and environment monitoring.
"The human-centric nature and information focus of my research aligns very well with the vision of the iSchool," said Wang. "The School's interdisciplinary research directions, collaborative culture, and diversified faculty expertise and student backgrounds provide the unique opportunity to build my future research program."
Wang earned his PhD in computer science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His honors include the NSF CAREER Award, Google Faculty Research Award, Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award from the U.S. Army Research Office, NSF CISE Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) Award, Wing Kai Cheng Fellowship in Computer Science from the University of Illinois, and Best Paper Award of the IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium.
"We are delighted that Dong will be joining us," said Dean Eunice E. Santos. "His cutting-edge work in areas such as social sensing will enhance our School’s research addressing key challenges at the intersection of people, information, and technology."