BS/IS student David Alegre discusses his summer internship with PepsiCo. After graduating, he hopes to earn a master's degree in user experience design and work for a company like PepsiCo.
Where did you intern, and what was your role?
I interned with PepsiCo in Rancho Cucamonga, California, as a supply chain intern.
How did you find out about the internship?
I found this internship through a post on the job website Indeed.
What new skills did you acquire?
I acquired too many skills to count. I gained experience using data visualization and 3D modeling tools, and I now have a strong foundation within Microsoft Power apps. I also gained a valuable networking toolkit and confidence in myself and my soft skills. The internship with PepsiCo really helped me understand the type of work I would like to do in my career.
What did you like best about working at the company?
The company culture . . . The values that PepsiCo holds within the realm of diversity and inclusion are some that I have never seen within another company.
What would you advise current students who are interested in an internship opportunity?
If there is an internship with a company you're interested in, do your research on the company and figure out why the opening would be a good fit for you.