Knowledge Representation, Ontologies

Research related to semantic networks, formal logic, frame-based systems; and how the beliefs, intentions, and value judgments of an intelligent agent (AI) can be expressed in a transparent, symbolic notation suitable for automated reasoning

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CAREER: Using Network Analysis to Assess Confidence in Research Synthesis

Time frame
Jodi Schneider
Total funding to date
Funding agency
National Science Foundation

Policy in areas such as conservation, energy, healthcare, and sustainable development is informed by a variety of factors, including the best available science. Determining the best available science requires synthesizing multiple scientific results to gauge both the level of scientific consensus and the reliability of the research. However, on some policy-relevant topics, syntheses continue…

network of dots

Collaborative Research: Accelerating Synthetic Biology Discovery & Exploration through Knowledge Integration

Time frame
J. Stephen Downie
Total funding to date
Funding agency
National Science Foundation

The scientific challenge for this project is to accelerate discovery and exploration of the synthetic biology design space. In particular, many parts used in synthetic biology come from or are initially tested in a simple bacteria, E. coli, but many potential applications in energy, agriculture, materials, and health require either different bacteria or higher level organisms (yeast for…

synthetic biology

Identifying Potential Bias in Science Using Citation Network Structures

Time frame
Jodi Schneider
Total funding to date
Funding agency
Campus Research Board

Biased citation benefits authors in the short-term by bolstering grants and papers, making them more easily accepted. However, it can have severe negative consequences for scientific inquiry. The need for a bias detection tool is evident from previous studies on citation bias, but existing work lacks crucial elements needed to scale the underlying approaches. This project will test the…

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