FABRIC Across Borders
Time Frame
Total Funding to Date
- Anita Nikolich
Science is fast outgrowing the capabilities of today's Internet infrastructure. To fully capitalize on big data, artificial intelligence, advanced computation and the Internet of Things requires robust, interconnected computers, storage, networks and software. Uneven progress in science cyberinfrastructure has led to bottlenecks that stymie collaboration and slow the process of discovery.
FABRIC, launched in 2019 with a $20 million grant from NSF, is building a cyberinfrastructure platform where computer scientists can reimagine the Internet and test new ways to store, compute, and move data. FABRIC Across Borders (FAB), a sister project to FABRIC, will link FABRIC's nationwide infrastructure to nodes in Japan, Switzerland, the U.K. and the Netherlands.

Funding Agencies
- National Science Foundation, 2021 – $60,958.00