NSF Convergence Accelerator: A Disinformation Range to Improve User Awareness and Resilience to Online Disinformation
Time Frame
Total Funding to Date
- Anita Nikolich
As one of the most vexing problems of the century, we are witnessing the escalating speed, scale, and level of sophistication of online deception (spear phishing and catfishing scams, personal information hunting schemes, fake content, impersonation, and disinformation on social media) that have severe consequences (ransomware attack, financial loss, and breach of private information). The most vulnerable demographic is older adults, who are disproportionately targeted for online exploitation, manipulation, and fraud resulting in significant financial loss and emotional distress. Deception Awareness and Resilience Training (DART) equips older adults with the tools they need to recognize various forms of online deception and help others in their social circle avoid or mitigate harm. The DART project team includes experts in psychology, communications and media, economics, cybersecurity, computer science, game design, synthetic media, and aging studies.

Funding Agencies
- National Science Foundation, 2021 – $135,000.00