Students with laptops in classroom

BS in Information Sciences + Data Science

Create data-driven solutions

Are you interested in analyzing data? Do you want to help people use information to achieve their goals? If so, our bachelor's degree in information sciences + data science (BSIS+DS) is right for you. As a BSIS+DS student, you will learn how:

  • Manage and analyze data
  • Create data visualizations
  • Build and evaluate data-based models
  • Communicate and collaborate with others to make data-driven decisions

The iSchool's interdisciplinary curriculum combines information sciences, statistics, computer science, and math to prepare you for a successful career or graduate studies.

  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects an increase of 36% in data science jobs from 2021 to 2031, driven by the demand for workers who can handle big data.


The iSchool is dedicated to your success. Our career services team provides students with valuable resources, including coaching, a career fair, employer site visits, individual counseling, and internship and practicum opportunities.

After graduation, you'll be able to work in a variety of industries, including finance and insurance, information technology, and professional, scientific, and technical services. Examples of careers include:

  • Data analyst
  • Data scientist
  • Database administrator
  • Technology consultant
  • Data visualization engineer
Joseph Chan

Majoring in IS+DS has been pivotal in my trading career because the stock market is fundamentally driven by data. This background has equipped me with the ability to analyze market trends, which ultimately led to more successful and strategic investments.

Joseph Chan (BSIS+DS '24), Trading Analyst at Shell

BSIS+DS student Samridhi Verma launched new student organization to promote diversity and inclusion in data science and empower women in the STEM field. Women in Data Science (WiDS) Worldwide Urbana-Champaign welcomes individuals of all genders who support the cause, including students, professionals, and academics from a variety of backgrounds and expertise levels in data science and related fields.

Interdisciplinary education

The BSIS+DS is part of a campus-wide partnership in data science. It consists of a collaboration between the iSchool and other units on campus that offer core courses, including the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science in Grainger College of Engineering and the Statistics and Mathematics Departments in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Questions? I can help.

Adrienne Jackson
Adrienne Gulley, Assistant Director of Recruitment and Admissions